Amazon EventBridge Scheduler now supports AWS PrivateLink, providing you access to Scheduler from within your Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) without using the public internet. This feature eliminates the need for an internet gateway, firewall rules, or proxy servers when accessing EventBridge Scheduler from a private subnet.
With Amazon EventBridge Scheduler, you can create billions of scheduled events and tasks that run across more than 270 AWS services, without provisioning or managing infrastructure. You can set up one-time schedules for specific dates and times, or create recurring schedules using cron and rate expressions, with support for time zones and daylight savings. With AWS PrivateLink support in EventBridge Scheduler, you can reduce the infrastructure required to create and manage your schedules when making API calls to Scheduler from within your VPC.
AWS PrivateLink support for EventBridge Scheduler is available in all AWS Regions where EventBridge Scheduler is offered. Using this feature incurs no additional cost, but standard AWS PrivateLink pricing applies.
For PrivateLink configuration instructions, refer to the AWS PrivateLink documentation. To learn more about Amazon EventBridge Scheduler and its capabilities, see the EventBridge documentation.
Source:: Amazon AWS