Amazon DynamoDB local supports configurable maximum throughput for on-demand tables

Amazon DynamoDB local now supports configurable maximum throughput for individual on-demand tables and associated secondary indexes. Customers can use the configurable maximum throughput for on-demand tables feature for predictable cost management, protection against accidental surge in consumed resources and excessive use, and safe guarding downstream services with fixed capacities from potential overloading and performance bottlenecks. With DynamoDB local, you can develop and test your application with managing maximum on-demand table throughput, making it easier to validate the use of the supported API actions before releasing code to production.

DynamoDB local is free to download and available for macOS, Linux, and Windows. DynamoDB local does not require an internet connection and it works with your existing DynamoDB API calls. To get started with the latest version see “Deploying DynamoDB locally on your computer”. To learn more, see Setting Up DynamoDB Local (Downloadable Version).

Source:: Amazon AWS