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AWS Step Functions now supports 100,000 state machines and activities per AWS account

AWS Step Functions has increased the default quota for the maximum number of registered state machines and activities from 10,000 to 100,000. This tenfold increase enables customers to create and manage significantly more workflows within a single AWS account, providing greater scalability and flexibility.

AWS Step Functions is a visual workflow service capable of orchestrating over 14,000+ API actions from over 220 AWS services to build distributed applications and orchestrate data processing workloads. With this quota increase, customers can now create up to 100,000 state machines and activities, unblocking use cases that require a large number of workflows such as applications that dynamically create new workflows. This new quota is automatically applied to all AWS accounts and requires no action on your part.

This quota increase is available in all AWS Regions where Step Functions is available. To learn more, see the AWS Step Functions Developer Guide.

Source:: Amazon AWS

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