Amazon Redshift Serverless announces reduction in IP Address Requirements to 3 per Subnet

Amazon Redshift Serverless announces reduction in IP Address Requirements to 3 per Subnet. When using Amazon Redshift Serverless without Enhanced VPC Routing (EVR) enabled, you only need 3 free IP addresses in each subnet in your Amazon VPC. The new enhancement makes starting with Amazon Redshift Serverless easier, and you do not have to worry about free IP addresses in your Amazon VPC subnet network.

Before this announcement, you must have at least 9 free IP addresses in your subnet when creating an Amazon Redshift Serverless workgroup (workgroup) or when updating your workgroup for the Redshift Processing Units (RPUs), you must have at least 10 free IP addresses in your subnets. With this announcement, you only need 3 free IP addresses in your subnets when creating or updating the workgroup without EVR regardless of the size of the base RPU (8 to 1024 RPUs) or the RPU usage of your workgroup or workgroups enabled with AI-driven scaling and optimizations. Any existing workgroup will also benefit from the decreased IP address needs, regardless of the base RPU size or RPU usage, and including workgroups enabled with AI-driven scaling and optimizations. Your administrative overhead is reduced when RPUs for your workgroup increase as the free IP address requirements are reduced significantly, and you do not need to take steps to free up IP addresses.

The need for 3 free IP addresses in Amazon Redshift Serverless applies to all commercial AWS regions and AWS GovCloud (US) Regions where Amazon Redshift Serverless is available.

Refer to this documentation to learn more about the free IP address in Amazon Redshift Serverless.

Source:: Amazon AWS