AWS Transfer Family SFTP connectors now provide real-time status of file transfer operations

AWS Transfer Family now provides real-time status of file transfers initiated using SFTP connectors. With this capability, you can easily monitor the current state of your file transfer operations and orchestrate post-transfer actions to automate your Managed File Transfer (MFT) workflows in AWS.

SFTP connectors provide a fully managed, low-code capability to transfer files between remote SFTP servers and Amazon S3. Now you can query the status of your file transfer operations on demand, such as which file transfers are completed, in-progress, queued, or failed. You can use this capability to orchestrate post-transfer actions based on file status, such as sending status notifications, triggering downstream processing of the files that have transferred successfully, or initiating retries for any failures. For example, when using AWS Step Functions to orchestrate file transfer workflows, you can now recursively poll the status of a requested file transfer operation using SFTP connectors and automatically initiate post processing steps once a file transfer completes.

Support for querying file transfer status for SFTP connectors is available in all AWS Regions where Transfer Family is available. For pricing information, visit the Transfer Family pricing page. To get started with querying the status of your file transfers with SFTP connectors, use the ListFileTransferResults API command and visit the Transfer Family User Guide.

Source:: Amazon AWS