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Cloudflare’s bigger, better, faster AI platform

Birthday Week 2024 marks our first anniversary of Cloudflare’s AI developer products — Workers AI, AI Gateway, and Vectorize. For our first birthday this year, we’re excited to announce powerful new features to elevate the way you build with AI on Cloudflare.

Workers AI is getting a big upgrade, with more powerful GPUs that enable faster inference and bigger models. We’re also expanding our model catalog to be able to dynamically support models that you want to run on us. Finally, we’re saying goodbye to neurons and revamping our pricing model to be simpler and cheaper. On AI Gateway, we’re moving forward on our vision of becoming an ML Ops platform by introducing more powerful logs and human evaluations. Lastly, Vectorize is going GA, with expanded index sizes and faster queries.

Whether you want the fastest inference at the edge, optimized AI workflows, or vector database-powered RAG, we’re excited to help you harness the full potential of AI and get started on building with Cloudflare.

The fast, global AI platform

The first thing that you notice about an application is how fast, or in many cases, how slow it is. This is especially true of AI applications, where the standard today is to wait for a response to be generated.

At Cloudflare, we’re obsessed with improving the performance of applications, and have been doubling down on our commitment to make AI fast. To live up to that commitment, we’re excited to announce that we’ve added even more powerful GPUs across our network to accelerate LLM performance.

In addition to more powerful GPUs, we’ve continued to expand our GPU footprint to get as close to the user as possible, reducing latency even further. Today, we have GPUs in over 180 cities, having doubled our capacity in a year. 

Bigger, better, faster

With the introduction of our new, more powerful GPUs, you can now run inference on significantly larger models, including Meta Llama 3.1 70B. Previously, our model catalog was limited to 8B parameter LLMs, but we can now support larger models, faster response times, and larger context windows. This means your applications can handle more complex tasks with greater efficiency.








The set of models above are available on our new GPUs at faster speeds. If you’re using Llama 3.1, we’ve already upgraded you to the faster inference – so your applications are automatically sped up! In general, you can expect throughput of 80+ Tokens per Second (TPS) for 8b models and a Time To First Token of 300 ms (depending on where you are in the world).

Our model instances now support larger context windows, like the full 128K context window for Llama 3.1 and 3.2. To give you full visibility into performance, we’ll also be publishing metrics like TTFT, TPS, Context Window, and pricing on models in our catalog, so you know exactly what to expect.

We’re committed to bringing the best of open-source models to our platform, and that includes Meta’s release of the new Llama 3.2 collection of models. As a Meta launch partner, we were excited to have Day 0 support for the 11B vision model, as well as the 1B and 3B text-only model on Workers AI.

For more details on how we made Workers AI fast, take a look at our technical blog post, where we share a novel method for KV cache compression (it’s open-source!), as well as details on speculative decoding, our new hardware design, and more.

Greater model flexibility

With our commitment to helping you run more powerful models faster, we are also expanding the breadth of models you can run on Workers AI with our Run Any* Model feature. Until now, we have manually curated and added only the most popular open source models to Workers AI. Now, we are opening up our catalog to the public, giving you the flexibility to choose from a broader selection of models. We will support models that are compatible with our GPUs and inference stack at the start (hence the asterisk on Run Any* Model). We’re launching this feature in closed beta and if you’d like to try it out, please fill out the form, so we can grant you access to this new feature.

The Workers AI model catalog will now be split into two parts: a static catalog and a dynamic catalog. Models in the static catalog will remain curated by Cloudflare and will include the most popular open source models with guarantees on availability and speed (the models listed above). These models will always be kept warm in our network, ensuring you don’t experience cold starts. The usage and pricing model remains serverless, where you will only be charged for the requests to the model and not the cold start times.

Models that are launched via Run Any* Model will make up the dynamic catalog. If the model is public, users can share an instance of that model. In the future, we will allow users to launch private instances of models as well.

This is just the first step towards running your own custom or private models on Workers AI. While we have already been supporting private models for select customers, we are working on making this capacity available to everyone in the near future.

New Workers AI pricing

We launched Workers AI during Birthday Week 2023 with the concept of “neurons” for pricing. Neurons were intended to simplify the unit of measure across various models on our platform, including text, image, audio, and more. However, over the past year, we have listened to your feedback and heard that neurons were difficult to grasp and challenging to compare with other providers. Additionally, the industry has matured, and new pricing standards have materialized. As such, we’re excited to announce that we will be moving towards unit-based pricing and saying goodbye to neurons.

Moving forward, Workers AI will be priced based on model task, size, and units. LLMs will be priced based on the model size (parameters) and input/output tokens. Image generation models will be priced based on the output image resolution and the number of steps. Embeddings models will be priced based on input tokens. Speech-to-text models will be priced on seconds of audio input. 

Model Task


Model Size


LLMs (incl. Vision models)

Tokens in/out (blended)

Source:: CloudFlare

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