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Coforge and Salesforce launch new offering to accelerate net zero goals

Digital services and solutions provider Coforge and Salesforce have collaborated to launch Coforge ENZO, a net-zero offering.

This collaboration is designed to help businesses tackle decarbonization challenges and accurately measure and report on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through comprehensive sustainability consulting and diagnostic assessment services, the companies said in a statement.

“Embarking on a sustainability journey for a business demands a multifaceted approach that includes meticulous tracking and reduction of emissions, insightful ESG [environmental, social and governance] analysis, and driving sustainable practices,” Sudhir Singh, CEO of Coforge said in a statement. “Coforge ENZO combines the knowledge and expertise of Salesforce’s Net Zero Cloud with Coforge’s project execution expertise. We are excited to expand our work with Salesforce to empower businesses in achieving their Net Zero commitment.”

Coforge ENZO is designed to streamline emissions data management by identifying, consolidating, and transforming raw data from various emission sources across business operations. The platform will also automate carbon accounting with real-time emissions calculations and dashboards, enabling businesses to implement effective, corrective, and preventive actions through robust decarbonization strategy consulting.

Additionally, the companies said the offering will generate audit-ready sustainability reports that comply with global and regional regulatory standards, including GRI (global reporting initiative), SEC, and CSRD (corporate sustainability reporting directive).

“With Net Zero Cloud, our customers can manage their environmental, social, and governance data in one place and connect it with other applications to create actionable insights that guide strategic decisions,” Arundhati Bhattacharya, CEO & Chairperson of Salesforce India said in the statement.

“This partnership between Coforge and Salesforce is a significant move in the right direction,” said Abhishek Gupta, CIO at DishTV, a leading Indian satellite TV broadcaster. “The ENZO platform appears to address all the necessary requirements for businesses aiming to meet their sustainability goals.”

As per the partnership statement, Coforge ENZO will address the entire spectrum of sustainability requirements, from capturing source data to fulfilling industry-mandated sustainability reporting.

Global push for net zero

The commitment to achieve net zero emissions by 2050 is a crucial part of the global effort to mitigate the impacts of climate change. This goal, endorsed by 195 countries under the Paris Agreement, aims to balance the amount of greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere with the amount removed, effectively reducing humanity’s net carbon footprint to zero.

As climate-related risks become more prominent, both regulatory bodies and consumers are increasingly demanding greater transparency and accountability from businesses regarding their environmental impacts.

“The global pledge by 195 countries to achieve net zero by 2050 can only be realized if businesses operate in a mission-driven mode,” added Gupta. “This endeavor demands real-time tracking and reporting against clearly defined milestones.”

Technology plays a pivotal role in helping organizations achieve their sustainability and net-zero goals. With advancements in data analytics, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence, businesses can now more accurately measure, manage, and reduce their carbon footprints.

Solutions like Coforge ENZO and Salesforce’s Net Zero Cloud are examples of how technology can streamline emissions data management and automate carbon accounting. These tools provide businesses with real-time insights into their environmental impact, enabling them to make informed decisions and implement effective decarbonization strategies.

“Therefore, there is a critical need for an enterprise-grade solution that enables organizations to identify, consolidate, and transform emissions data from various sources into actionable insights, presented through intuitive dashboards,” Gupta pointed out.

Challenges in the path toward net zero

Achieving net zero is a complex process that involves various challenges. Businesses must not only track and report their emissions but also implement changes across their operations to reduce their carbon output. This can be particularly challenging for organizations with large, global operations or those that rely on energy-intensive processes.

“Being an early mover comes with its own set of challenges,” said Gupta. “A one-size-fits-all solution won’t work, so this partnership will need to develop industry-specific expertise.”

According to Gupta, another big challenge is dealing with industries that still rely on outdated, closed software systems. “As with any software implementation, the ENZO platform will need to accommodate legacy systems and processes,” Gupta added.

As the ENZO platform evolves, it will be crucial to ensure the authenticity of the data being collected and used to track and monitor an organization’s net-zero targets. This could be achieved through audits by reputable external auditors, verifying the platform’s integrity.

“Finally, a comprehensive set of KPIs that cover all aspects of operations — from emissions and energy use to supply chain and employee engagement — will be essential for effective tracking. However, this is easier said than done and will likely develop through an iterative process,” Gupta said.

Furthermore, companies need to align their sustainability strategies with evolving regulatory standards, which can vary significantly by region and industry.

This partnership between Coforge and Salesforce signifies a major step towards providing businesses with the tools and expertise needed to achieve their environmental sustainability objectives and contribute to a greener, more sustainable future.

Source:: Network World

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