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From the trenches: A CISO’s guide to threat intelligence

Let’s face it, our jobs as CISOs are a constant dance with the shadows. We fight invisible enemies, anticipate the next attack, and strive to stay one step ahead of ever-evolving threats. That’s where threat intelligence comes in – it’s the intel that fuels our defenses, and the night-vision goggles to see the dark and precarious battlefield clearly (or at the least a little better).

Why should I care? The power of proactive security

Gone are the days of reactive-only security. Patching vulnerabilities after a breach is like locking the barn door after the horses have bolted. Threat intelligence allows us to shift to a more proactive stance. It’s about gathering, analyzing, and disseminating information on potential and ongoing threats. This intel helps us understand attacker tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs). In turn, we take proactive steps:

Leading the threat intel charge: building your dream team

Threat intelligence isn’t a one-person show. Building a strong team requires a diverse skill set. Here’s what I look for:

Sharing is caring: the power of STIX and TAXII

Collaboration is key in the cybersecurity world. Thankfully, we have standardized formats like Structured Threat Information eXchange (STIX) for sharing threat data and Trusted Automated Exchange of Indicator Information (TAXII) for secure communication. Imagine a global threat intelligence network where everyone contributes and benefits – that’s the power of STIX/TAXII. Building a threat intelligence program can seem daunting, but don’t despair. Here’s how to get started:

  • Define your goals: What threats are you most concerned about? Are you looking to receive or distribute information (hopefully both)?
  • Identify your resources: What skills and tools do you already have, and what gaps need to be filled? Do you have a network of peers that you can tap into? Talk to fellow CISOs and see if they have a resource who would like to build their own program.
  • Seek out threat intelligence feeds: There’s a wealth of free and paid options available, catering to specific industries and threats. In this case, the free resources are, in fact, valuable. Our industry cares and shares. Free feeds might demonstrate their value and convince you to upgrade to paid feeds!
  • Integrate with existing security tools: Threat intelligence should flow seamlessly into your security ecosystem. Make sure what you’re planning to use will integrate with your existing tools/technology. The data will only be valuable if you can interpret and action it.
  • Foster a culture of intelligence sharing: Encourage communication between your threat intelligence team and other departments (internally and externally). I go back to the US TSA tagline “If you see something, say something”. As an industry, the more we share, the better we all become at protecting our organizations.
  • Embrace automation: Use automated tools to collect and analyze threat data. This frees up your team’s time for more strategic tasks, like threat hunting and vulnerability assessment. Manual tasks will always (in my personal opinion) exist. Use automation as much as possible.
  • As we often say, security is a marathon, not a sprint. The same is true with threat intel. As threats evolve, so should our threat intelligence programs. By leveraging this powerful tool, we can transform our security posture from reactive to proactive and sleep a little sounder knowing we’ve got the upper hand (or at the very least aren’t getting totally behind) in the fight against cybercrime. If knowledge is power, why are we not actively seeking it? Threat intelligence data is one of our most potent weapons in our cyber arsenal. Don’t neglect it.

    So, let’s go forth, fellow CISOs, and become masters of the intelligence game!

    To learn more, visit us here.

    Source:: Network World

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