AWS B2B Data Interchange announces automated 999 acknowledgements for healthcare transactions

AWS B2B Data Interchange now automatically generates 999 functional acknowledgements to confirm receipt of individual X12 electronic data interchange (EDI) healthcare transactions and to report errors. This launch helps you maintain HIPAA compliance while automating delivery of 999 acknowledgements to trading partners that require them. This launch adds to AWS B2B Data Interchange’s existing support for automated TA1 acknowledgements.

Each acknowledgement generated by AWS B2B Data Interchange is stored in Amazon S3, alongside your transformed EDI, and emits an Amazon EventBridge event. You can use these events to automatically send the acknowledgements created by AWS B2B Data Interchange to your trading partners via SFTP using AWS Transfer Family or any other EDI connectivity solution. 999 X231 acknowledgements are generated for all X12 version 5010 HIPAA transactions, while 999 acknowledgements are generated for all other healthcare related X12 transactions.

Support for automated acknowledgements is available in all AWS Regions where AWS B2B Data Interchange is available and provided at no additional cost. To learn more about automated acknowledgements, visit the documentation. To get started with AWS B2B Data Interchange for building and running your event-driven EDI workflows, take the self-paced workshop or deploy the CloudFormation template.

Source:: Amazon AWS