Starting today, you can enable Route 53 Profiles in the AWS GovCloud (US-East) and AWS GovCloud (US-West) Regions to define a standard DNS configuration, in the form of a Profile, that may include Route 53 private hosted zone (PHZ) associations, Route 53 Resolver rules, and Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall rule groups, and apply this configuration to multiple VPCs in your account. Profiles can also be used to enforce DNS settings for your VPCs, with configurations for DNSSEC validations, Resolver reverse DNS lookups, and the DNS Firewall failure mode. Your can share Profiles with AWS accounts in your organization using AWS Resource Access Manager (RAM). Route 53 Profiles simplifies the association of Route 53 resources and VPC-level settings for DNS across VPCs and AWS accounts in a Region with a single configuration, minimizing the complexity of having to manage each resource association and setting per VPC.
Source:: Amazon AWS