Today, AWS announces a new capability that enables customers to convert an existing source repository into a custom blueprint in Amazon CodeCatalyst. Custom blueprints give teams the ability to define and propagate best practices for application code, workflows, and infrastructure. However, many customers have already defined these best practices in one or more existing source repositories. Previously, they needed to create a custom blueprint, and manually copy relevant artifacts from their existing source repository into the blueprint project. Now customers have a one-click option to convert an existing repository to a custom blueprint. For more information, see Converting source repositories to custom blueprints.
Teams can use these custom blueprints to create CodeCatalyst projects or add functionality to existing projects. As the blueprint gets updated with the latest best practices or new options, it can regenerate the relevant parts of your codebase in projects containing that blueprint. For more information, see the CodeCatalyst Blueprints webpage and blueprints documentation.
Source:: Amazon AWS