Amazon QuickSight now supports GetClusterCredentialswithIAM for Redshift Data Sources

Amazon QuickSight now supports connectivity to Redshift data source using an IAM role through GetClusterCredentialswithIAM. This is an enhancement to the previously launched feature for Redshift RunasRole which now makes the Database user/Database Group parameters optional thereby implicitly tying the temporary user identity to the IAM credentials. This feature now enables customers to use LakeFormation-Managed Redshift Data Share feature to support Cross Account use case as documented here. Administrators can get started by creating an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role with permissions that will be applied when a QuickSight user or API call runs a query on the data source. The IAM role is then assigned to a Redshift data source. With this role, a QuickSight user or API call has the role’s fine-grained permissions applied when running a query on that data source. This new feature is available in the following QuickSight regions: US East (N. Virginia and Ohio), US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Mumbai, Seoul, Singapore, Sydney and Tokyo), Europe (Frankfurt, Stockholm, Paris, Ireland and London), Canada (Central), South America (São Paulo), and the AWS GovCloud (US-West) Region. For more details, see Run queries as an IAM role in Amazon QuickSight.  

Source:: Amazon AWS