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Limiting CPU Threads for Better Game Performance

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Many PC games are designed around an eight-core console with an assumption that their software threading system ‘just works’ on all PCs, especially…

Many PC games are designed around an eight-core console with an assumption that their software threading system ‘just works’ on all PCs, especially regarding the number of threads in the worker thread pool. This was a reasonable assumption not too long ago when most PCs had similar core counts to consoles: the CPUs were just faster and performance just scaled.

In recent years though, the CPU landscape has changed and there is now a complex matrix of performance variables to navigate:

This complexity means that the previous thread count determination algorithm (and its derivatives) is no longer sufficient:

num_worker_threads = num_logical_cores - 2

This traditional thread count determination algorithm was based on logical core counts and reserved two cores for critical threads.

Many CPU-bound games actually degrade in performance when the core count increases beyond a certain point, so the benefits of the extra threading parallelism are outweighed by the overhead. 

On high-end desktop systems with greater than eight physical cores for example, some titles can see performance gains of up to 15% by reducing the thread count of their worker pools to be less than the core count of the CPU.

The reasons for the performance drop are complex and varied. Where one title may see a performance drop of 10%, another may see a performance gain of 10% on the same system, thus highlighting the difficulty in providing a one-size-fits-all solution across all titles and all systems. 

Instead, a game’s thread count should be tailored to fit the workload. Light CPU workloads should use fewer threads.

Performance solutions

If the performance of your game is not scaling as expected on higher-core-count machines, potentially even reducing its performance, there can be several common reasons:

There are several solutions to this scaling issue, depending on the root cause of the problem:

The simplest method may be to find how many threads your game actually needs and then let the OS schedule the threads effectively. 

Figure 1 shows that reducing the number of threads your game uses may reduce some of the overhead, often from critical threads, which may directly improve the performance of your game.

Graph shows that, by halving the thread count, overall execution time decreases due to reduced per-thread overheads.Figure 1. Reducing the number of worker threads can improve game performance

Test your game on different systems at different settings and with different thread counts. You will likely find a thread count sweet spot or a small number of sweet spots that work for your game. 

Ensure that you test hyperthreading to see whether you should align to physical or logical cores when enumerating your threads on the different systems. Hyperthreading often helps on low-core-count systems that don’t have enough physical cores to efficiently execute your workload but can hinder performance on larger core-count systems.

Your testing may produce a modified algorithm where you tailor max_thread_count to suit your workload. The following thread-count determination algorithm is modified to limit the thread count to a predefined maximum:

max_thread_count = ini_file.get(“max_thread_count”)

num_worker_threads = num_logical_cores - 2

if (num_worker_threads  > max_thread_count )
      num_worker_threads = max_thread_count

If max_thread_count is added to your game .ini file, it is easy for your IHV partners, QA teams, and gamers alike to find the right number of threads for their own PC setup to ensure that maximum performance is achieved.


CPU performance matters and worker thread count is an integral part of the performance equation. Measuring your game’s CPU performance on a matrix of CPUs and adjusting the thread count to fit the workload are simple optimizations that can produce large double-digit performance gains. 

Providing an override for thread count in an .ini file ensures that gamers can find the right value to maximize the performance on their PC.

Source:: NVIDIA

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