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Issue #618 (Feb. 27, 2024)

#618 – FEBRUARY 27, 2024

McKinney on Improving the Data Stack & Composable Systems

How do you avoid the bottlenecks of data processing systems? Is it possible to build tools that decouple storage and computation? This week on the show, creator of the pandas library Wes McKinney is here to discuss Apache Arrow, composable data systems, and community collaboration.

Introducing Flask-Muck: Building a REST API in 5 Minutes

Flask-Muck sits on top of a Flask/SQLAlchemy tech stack and uses a declarative and modular approach to replace huge amounts of boilerplate code by generating a full-featured set of standard CRUD endpoints for a resource. Learn how to use it by reading this post.
DANNY TIESLING • Shared by Danny Tiesling

Live Hack: Exploiting AI-Generated Code

Join Snyk’s Live Hack Workshop! Get live expert support while learning how to exploit & remediate vulnerabilities. March 6th | 11:00am ET (Worth 1 CPE credit) →
SNYK.IO sponsor

10 Years of Wagtail

Tom Dyson, a founding member of the Wagtail core team, shares some thoughts about how Wagtail CMS grew from a small, niche open source project into one of the most popular Python CMSs used by NASA, Google, the National Health Service, and many others.

Astral Takes Stewardship of Rye


PySimpleGUI 4 Sunsets in Q2 2024



uv Another Rust Tool Written to Replace pip


Articles & Tutorials

BNF Notation: Dive Deeper Into Python’s Grammar

In this tutorial, you’ll learn about Backus–Naur form notation (BNF), which is typically used for defining the grammar of programming languages. Python uses a variation of BNF, and here, you’ll learn how to read it to get a better understanding of some language constructs.

Thread Local Data in Python

The article introduces the threading module’s local() for storing thread-local values. Since threads in Python share the memory space of their parent process, you might need to define thread-specific variables for specific use cases to avoid unintended side effects.
ADARSH DIVAKARAN • Shared by Adarsh Divakaran

Blocked by Slow Code Reviews? Here’s How to Stop Waiting

Code reviews are great – but they shouldn’t slow down your development. Sourcery can automatically review every one of your PR’s so your team can keep moving fast →
SOURCERY sponsor

Unleashing the Power of the Console With Rich

Rich is a powerful library for creating text-based user interfaces (TUIs) in Python. It enhances code readability by pretty-printing complex data structures and adds visual appeal with colored text, tables, animations, and more.

Python Monorepo Visualization

Monorepos can be a bit overwhelming, containing all the code for all your projects. Thankfully, there are ways to visualize a Python monorepo. This blog post introduces you to one repo visualizer: Polylith
DAVID VUJIC • Shared by David Vujic

Counting CPU Instructions in Python

Did you know it takes about 17,000 CPU instructions1 to print(“Hello”) in Python? And that it takes ~2 billion of them to import seaborn? Learn about the tools Matt used to find this out.

The Broken Version Breakdown

Pypi is a real treasure box full of great Python tools. Unfortunately, released versions of most of them can suddenly be broken by a downstream dependency release.
IVO HOUBRECHTS • Shared by Ivo Houbrechts

Not Just NVIDIA: GPU Programming That Runs Everywhere

This article talks about wgpu-py, a GPU portable Python library. Ever want to use the GPU but use something other than NIVIDIA? This library might be for you.

Add Versatility To AI Apps, Build With Popular Model Choices Like YOLOv8

Future-proof your AI apps with constantly expanding model compatibility, including YOLOv8, Padim, and more. Speed up development and deploy seamlessly with Intel’s OpenVINO toolkit.

Floats Are Weird

This post attempts to demonstrate a calculus proof by applying floats, but of course the precision of floats get in the way. See what happens.

Django REST Framework and Vue vs HTMX

Learn how the development process varies between working with Django REST Framework and Vue versus Django and HTMX.
ŠPELA GIACOMELLI • Shared by Michael Herman

Projects & Code

temporian: Library for Preprocessing Temporal Data


mac-cleanup-py: Cleanup Script for macOS in Python


lockbox: Forward Proxy for Making 3rd Party API Calls


rexi: Terminal UI for Regex Testing


sqlite-web: Web-Based SQLite Database Browser



Weekly Real Python Office Hours Q&A (Virtual)

February 28, 2024

SPb Python Drinkup

February 29, 2024

PyLadies Amsterdam

February 29, 2024

PyCon Namibia 2024

March 4 to March 8, 2024

Melbourne Python Users Group, Australia

March 4, 2024

PyCon Pakistan 2024

March 9 to March 11, 2024

Happy Pythoning!
This was PyCoder’s Weekly Issue #618.
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Source:: PyCoder’s

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