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Amazon Connect Tasks now supports pausing/resuming of tasks

Amazon Connect Tasks now supports pausing/resuming of tasks, making it easier for agents to stay more organized and deliver exceptional customer experiences without losing track of work. Amazon Connect Tasks empowers you to prioritize, assign, and track all contact center agent tasks to completion, improving agent productivity and ensuring customer issues are quickly resolved. With this launch, agents can now pause/resume tasks in the Amazon Connect agent workspace when they need to switch context to focus on more urgent customer needs, or when they are awaiting external inputs (e.g,. information from the customer) and/or manager approvals, freeing up their capacity to handle new customers issues. Supervisors can monitor and track paused tasks across their agents, along with new metrics to better understand the active time spent by a agent on a task and/or total tasks paused or actively being worked on by agents. Additionally, supervisors can automate task processing in Connect flows to automatically reprioritize and/or reassign the task to an agent based on service level or external inputs. Tasks can also be paused and resumed programmatically through the new pauseContact and resumeContact APIs.

Source:: Amazon AWS

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