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Advanced API Performance: Swap Chains

A graphic of a computer sending code to multiple stacks.

Swap chains are an integral part of how you get rendering data output to a screen. They usually consist of some group of output-ready buffers, each of which can…

Swap chains are an integral part of how you get rendering data output to a screen. They usually consist of some group of output-ready buffers, each of which can be rendered to one at a time in rotation. In parallel with rendering to one of a swap chain’s buffers, some other buffer in the swap chain is generally read from for display output.

This post covers best practices when working with swap chains on NVIDIA GPUs. To get a high and consistent frame rate in your applications, see all Advanced API Performance tips.

It’s common to focus on the more frequently optimized parts of the rendering pipeline when looking to improve rendering performance. However, swap chains are often overlooked, leaving potential performance and latency on the table. 

The following suggestions and considerations should provide more insight into the best ways to ensure optimum swap chain performance.


Not recommended


Thanks to Cody Robson, Kumaresan Gnanasekaran, Adrian Muntianu, and Meenal Nachnani for their advice and assistance.

Source:: NVIDIA

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