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Issue #587 (July 25, 2023)

#587 – JULY 25, 2023

Creating Web Maps From Your Data With Python Folium

You’ll learn how to create web maps from data using Folium. The package combines Python’s data-wrangling strengths with the data-visualization power of the JavaScript library Leaflet. In this video course, you’ll create and style a choropleth world map showing the ecological footprint per country.

Writing a 6502 Emulator in Python

The 6502 processor from Motorola was quite popular and could be found in the Nintendo and Sega consoles as well as the Commodore 64. This very detailed article shows you how to build an emulator for the processor in Python.

CTF 101 Workshop | Aug 3 @ 11am EDT | Register for Free

Did you know Snyk can be used to solve CTF challenges? Join Snyk’s CTF 101 Workshop to learn how, and get live support from CTF experts in the virtual hands-on lab as you solve your first challenge. Plus, (ISC)2 members will get 1 credit. Save your spot →
SNYK.IO sponsor

Debugging Crashes and Deadlocks in Python Using PyStack

Using PyStack’s “forbidden magic” to debug deadlocks, segmentation faults, crashes and other difficult bugs in Python
MARTINHEINZ.DEV • Shared by Martin Heinz

Cython 3.0.0 Released



PEP 722: Dependency Specification for Single-File Scripts


Articles & Tutorials

Profiling in Python: How to Find Performance Bottlenecks

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to profile your Python programs using numerous tools available in the standard library, third-party libraries, as well as a powerful tool foreign to Python. Along the way, you’ll learn what profiling is and cover a few related concepts.

python-mastery: Advanced Python Mastery

This exercise-driven course is built on top of a GitHub repo, getting you to work along with the provided exercises. The course is aimed at Python programmers who are comfortable with the language basics and want to add depth to their practice.

DataWars: Practice Data Science with Real Life Projects

DataWars’s platform includes +100 of Data Science projects to practice Pandas, Scikit-Learn, SQL and much more, in an interactive, ready to use environment. Create an account for free and start your challenge →
DATAWARS sponsor

How Netflix Does Failovers in 7 Minutes Flat

Netflix decreased the time it takes to respond to an outage from 45 minutes to seven with no additional cost. This article talks about how they hot-swap processes and reserve compute time to ensure a quick response to outages.

A Taste of Iteration in Python

Any object that implements the iterator interface can be used in a for loop, but just how does that work? This article shows you how the iterator protocol is used and how you can write your own compatible objects.

A Practical Guide to Metaprogramming in Python

This article is a high-level overview of the various types of meta-programming available in Python, including decorators, metaclasses, built-in introspection keywords, and dynamic code generation.

Advanced Python Tips for Development

You’re starting out in Python and you think you’ve got the language basics down. Where next? This article introduces you to comprehensions. generators, zip, context managers, and more.

Writing Python With VScode and Docker

A step-by-step guide on how to set up a Python environment using VSCode and Docker. It explains why you’d use these tools at all, and walks you through what you need to get them going.

Comprehensive Guide to Linting With Ruff

The ruff linter is growing in popularity, partially because of its speed. This article walks you through all its flags and how to use it to improve your Python code quality.

How to Work With Time Series in Python

A look at why Python is a great language for time-series analysis with tips on how to get started.

Projects & Code

lets-plot: Plotting Library for Statistical Data


joypy: A Dialect of Joy in Python


awesome-python-htmx: Curated List of Python / HTMX


pytest-cov: Coverage Plugin for Pytest


tinyvector: A Tiny Nearest-Neighbor Embedding Database



PyTexas Meetup Announced: 100% Virtual, Starting in September

PYTEXAS.ORG • Shared by Mason Egger

PyKla Monthly Meetup

July 26, 2023

Weekly Real Python Office Hours Q&A (Virtual)

July 26, 2023

SPb Python Drinkup

July 27, 2023

North Bay Python

July 29 to July 31, 2023

PyCon PL 2023

July 29 to August 3, 2023

PyCamp Leipzig 2023

July 29 to July 31, 2023

PyDelhi User Group Meetup

July 29, 2023

PythOnRio Meetup

July 29, 2023

Happy Pythoning!
This was PyCoder’s Weekly Issue #587.
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