EU Parliament approves AI Act, moving it closer to becoming law

The European Parliament has approved a draft of the EU’s AI Act, taking a major step toward what could be the first comprehensive set of regulations for AI in the West.

However, the legislation did not pass unanimously, with the final vote at 499 in favor, 28 against, and 93 abstentions. While today’s vote marks a huge step forward in the regulation of AI technology, the draft legislation is still subject to change, with each EU country needing to agree on the bill before it becomes law.

Members of the European Parliament reached an initial agreement on its AI Act back in April, after a number of last-minute amendments were added relating to the regulation of generative AI and large language models, such as ChatGPT. This includes a requirement for generative AI systems like to comply with transparency requirements by disclosing if content was AI-generated, and helping to distinguish deep-fake images from real ones.

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Source:: Computerworld